Cindy Poumeyrol: Her husband Thomas poses completely naked for her, very sexy photo

More than a year ago, Cindy Poumeyrol made one of his dreams come true: that of launching his clothing brand, called Maison Nicole. The former finalist of Koh Lanta, who was recently seen in the All Stars edition for the 20 years of the program, is very proud of this project and never misses an opportunity to promote it. Tuesday, December 14, 2021, Cindy notably decided to highlight a new very particular piece since it is dedicated to pregnant women. And who else to play the models than the pretty blonde herself, currently pregnant with her second child.

On Instagram, Cindy Poumeyrol therefore shared the result of her black and white shoot in a hotel room and where she appears wearing an elegant velvet jumpsuit. But the attention of Internet users has been caught by something quite different! Indeed, the mother of Alba (2 years) had the good idea to invite her husband Thomas to his photo shoot … in his simplest device! The handsome brunette poses in the background and from the back, revealing only her buttocks. “If you like it, can I show you the same photo from the front? * the man in the background preferred to remain anonymous …“, she joked in the caption.

Obviously, the comments were not long in coming and Thomas was quick to steal the show from his companion. “JI only saw the background“,”What combination? Ah yes I saw him after“,”I want to see it from the front“, can we read. For anonymity on the other hand, we will come back because Internet users have all recognized Thomas although he does not show his face. Cindy even recognized him in response to a message.”The it’s no longer my man who treats“, she confirmed.

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