The young woman had filed a complaint last February, when Caroline Rey-Salmon was appointed vice-president of Ciivise, for facts dating back to 2020, during a gynecological examination.
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“I stand by all my statements”says in a press release consulted Monday, September 2 by franceinfo, the woman at the origin of the complaint for sexual assault filed against Caroline Rey-Salmon. The complaint was filed after the installation of the pediatrician and forensic doctor as vice-president of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (Ciivise). It was closed without follow-up on August 29.
In this text, dated Sunday, the complainant – who signs with the name Louison – writes: “I expected the complaint to be dismissed, because the facts are difficult to establish. However, I maintain all my statements, because even if I cannot prove it ‘materially’, I know what I experienced.”
The complainant accused Caroline Rey-Salmon of“sexual assault by a person abusing the authority conferred on them by their position”during a gynecological examination carried out on June 27, 2020 at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris as part of a judicial investigation. The young woman had previously filed a complaint for rape suffered as a child between 2004 and 2009. In her letter, she returns to this examination and questions: “How can this examination technique, which consists of reproducing the attacks on a victim, not be considered as additional trauma?”
“If I reported her, it was because it was unimaginable for me that a person who had traumatized me in the context of my complaint for rape of a minor would be at the head of a commission supposed to protect children.”
Louison, plaintiff against Caroline Rey-Salmonto franceinfo
Faced with this classification without follow-up, the young woman assures that “The important thing is not that Mrs Caroline Rey-Salmon is prosecuted, but that the practices that I have denounced cease.” She claims she was right to speak out “since it has helped to highlight the violence that victims can suffer during the legal process, in this case during the forensic examination.” The complainant suggests that he “would seem” what “be the subject of a complaint for defamation” and does not exclude “file a complaint again” by constituting itself as a civil party. It now expects Ciivise to work towards “to ban this type of examination for the sake of all victims.”
When the complaint against Caroline Rey-Salmon was announced, the pediatrician began “completely withdrawn from the work of the commission throughout the investigation”announced Ciivise, referring to a decision “essential for the serenity of the work” and maintenance “trust” victims.