“Ciao!” : Alessandra Sublet bids farewell to TF1 in C’est Canteloup

This is called an express checkout! Since October 2018, Alessandra Sublet hosted the show It’s Canteloup every evening on TF1. On May 20, 2022, the pretty brunette finally said goodbye just before the end of the show following a joke from Nicolas Canteloup on Kylian M’Bappé. “I feel that he is going to leave… Just like me! I salute you. I kiss all the Canteloup teams and to Nicolas, a big thank you for these four years. Ciao!“, she said on the air, smiling. A quick farewell for the host who decided to leave the television sets to become an actress.

Mom of Charlie and Alphonse (fruits of his past love with Clément Miserez), the host of the programs Mystery duets or The great animator contest left his house in Montfort-l’Amaury to acquire a new property near Nice, as revealed in an article by Here iswhich appeared in the Friday, April 9, 2021 edition.”She has lots of childhood memories in the region, she used to come there a lot with her parents and grandparents.“, confided a source close to Alessandra Sublet to the magazine. Based in the South, she goes back to Paris to spend time with her children.

Happy to start her new life on the Côte d’Azur, Alessandra Sublet will soon be able to start a new career on the small screen since she will soon be the heroine of a new TF1 fiction whose filming will begin at the start of the school year. It would be the adaptation of his first book You got the blues baby in which she should play her own part. It’s not a childhood dream, just a new challenge that appeared late, like reading“, recently confided the pretty brunette of 45 years to the Parisian. She recently starred in Disabled gang.

Author, former Jordan Deguen (with whom she formalized the breakup in April 2021) also published his second book, Fuck Cinderellain which she gives advice to feel good about yourself on a daily basis.

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