Churchill Falls Contract | Legault makes act of contrition in Newfoundland and Labrador

(Quebec) Premier François Legault says he understands “the frustration and anger” of Newfoundlanders regarding the Churchill Falls electricity supply contract.

Visiting Saint-Jean to discuss the renewal of this contract, he made a sort of act of contrition addressed to Newfoundland and Labrador, which had never been done by a premier of Quebec before.

“I would like to say a few words to the citizens of your province,” he said in English during a press conference alongside his counterpart Andrew Furey on Friday morning.

“I totally understand the frustration and anger you feel about the Churchill Falls contract. »

The neighboring province believes that it has been cheated in this agreement and has tried in vain to have it broken by the courts.

Mr. Legault acknowledged that it was a “bad contract” for Newfoundlanders.

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