After the Sauvé report on pedophilia in the Catholic Church in France, parishioners are also expressing their expectations. Illustration in Génissieux (Drome).
They want to end the darkest hours of the Church. Parishioners of Génissieux (Drome) have made an appointment to try to clarify the future of their institution. On the menu : review the 45 recommendations of the Sauvé report. Very quickly, the question of the governance of the Church and the sacralization of priests crystallize the debates. The support group has very free words, lordination of women or celibacy of priests are not taboo subjects. Everyone expresses their expectations of a religious institution more in tune with society. “What I’m waiting for is for us to do the laundry“, says a retiree.
Many were shocked by the scale of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church’s revelations (Ciase). “To rebuild, we must be aware of the ruins that must be cleared“, explains the deacon Jean Michel. They will write their hopes for reform to their bishop, because they are all deeply convinced that the Church must begin its cultural revolution.