Church: the Archbishop of Paris presents his resignation



Article written by

M. Bougault, JM. Mier, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Stupor in the Catholic Church. Mgr Aupetit, the Archbishop of Paris presented Pope Francis with his resignation. According to the revelations of “Point”, the man ofchurch is suspected of having had an affair with a woman.

Occupying then one of the highest posts of the French clergy, Mgr Aupetit now finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. The prelate is accused of having had a relationship with a woman a few years earlier. Faced with this scandal, Mgr Aupetit put his fate in the hands of Pope Francis. Despite the storm raging around the Archbishop, the faithful who came to Mass on Sunday November 28 have shown their support. On the other hand, others believe that men of the Church should be exemplary, even more since the revelations of the Sauvé Report.

The Archbishop admitted to having had an ambiguous relationship with a woman. However, he denies having had sexual intercourse with the latter. Those who knew me then and who shared my daily life could certainly testify that I did not have a double life “, he declared on Radio Our Lady, Saturday November 27. In addition, the Archbishop had many detractors. Some criticized him for mismanaging the diocese, for being an authoritarian man who lacked listening and empathy.

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