CHSLD Robert-Cliche | “Isolated cases”, assures Minister Sonia Bélanger

(Quebec) What happened at the CHSLD Robert-Cliche is “unacceptable”, deplored Sonia Bélanger who now expects “strong measures” which could go as far as criminal sanctions. The minister nevertheless assures that this is an “isolated case”.

“When I saw the report, I was stunned to see it,” said the Minister for Health and Seniors on Thursday upon arriving at question period.

“I have difficulty imagining, in Quebec, with all the work we do to improve our CHSLDs, that there are situations like that that could arise,” she added, recalling the Law to combat mistreatment of seniors and any other adult in a vulnerable situation which was improved in 2022 to allow the imposition of criminal sanctions.

The Press revealed on Thursday the devastating conclusions of the complaints commissioner of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-Montréal who investigated the CHSLD Robert-Cliche. The report obtained in under the law on access to information reports “systemic mistreatment” while several employees “because of inappropriate acts cause harm and distress to a vulnerable person”.

Minister Bélanger’s office confirmed Thursday that teams from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) are currently conducting an investigation. The file could then be submitted to the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions.

“Everything is on the table,” said Minister Bélanger. “Once the report has been made, once the findings have been made, what is very important is that there be action immediately. The establishment did not wait […] now, for the rest of things, whether for criminal sanctions or to bring a file to the DPCP, it is taking its course,” she added to journalists.

Mme Bélanger did not want to go any further. “I do not want to intervene in the process, it is not the role of the minister to interfere in a judicial process […] [les enquêteurs] are currently reviewing next options. I expect management to take strong action. This is unacceptable,” said the Minister for Health and Seniors.

She considers that the current mechanisms provided for in the law are adequate. “Yes, there are steps and they are essential,” she said, adding that “it is not up to the police to manage CHSLDs in Quebec.”

After submitting the report in January, the establishment made several corrections. A new management team has notably been put in place. Meetings with families were held. Employees have also been disciplined or fired.

A message to employees

Furthermore, Minister Bélanger had a message for employees in CHSLDs who do not have the skills to work with seniors and people losing their autonomy.

[Ceux] who are not able to work with elders, if people are not in their place, they just have to leave.

Sonia Bélanger, Minister for Health and Seniors

The families met by the complaints commissioner reported in particular that CHSLD Robert-Cliche staff were constantly on their cell phones or not attentive to users’ requests.

Sonia Bélanger also ensures that the situation depicted in this Montreal establishment is not representative of the care offered elsewhere in Quebec.

“These are isolated cases, we have hundreds of CHSLDs in Quebec. The work that is done there is quality work and then, any situation that is at the level of mistreatment is deplorable. We must act on this, but let’s be careful not to put a label on all of our CHSLDs, that is inaccurate. Our CHSLDs are at the right level,” she assured.

With Ariane Lacoursière, The Press

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