CHSLD death investigation | The coroner deplores that Legault was not informed until March

(Quebec) The coroner who is investigating the deaths that occurred in CHSLDs during the first wave deplores that we waited until “it broke out in March” before informing the Premier of Quebec of the dangers of COVID-19.

Caroline Plante
The Canadian Press

Géhane Kamel said Wednesday that she was worried – and that she would continue to worry – that François Legault was not informed of “the kind of hemorrhage” until around March 9, 2020.

The coroner made the comments as she finished questioning Assistant Deputy Minister for Seniors Natalie Rosebush for the second time. She had noticed that Mme Rosebush was “extremely nervous”.

The senior official returned to the coroner at the latter’s request to clarify certain points, in particular the question of watch visits to CHSLDs in the spring of 2020.

She explained that observers had gone to CHSLDs in April 2020 with a “checklist” in hand that they annotated before recording the information in an electronic “common tool”.

Mme Rosebush was forced to admit that her teams prepared a compendium of information on November 16 specifically for the coroner’s inquest.

She added that all backup copies of all visits were eventually found and forwarded to the coroner.

Prosecutor Dave Kimpton asked if the coroner would find the same information in both documents. “Yes, normally you should find the same information,” replied Rosebush.

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