CHSLD Argyle | Quebec imposes provisional administration in three facilities

(Montreal) Three facilities at the Argyle long-term care centre (CHSLD) are now under interim administration, announced the Minister responsible for Seniors, Sonia Bélanger, who says she is “concerned” about the situation in these centres.

Starting Tuesday, the Argyle CHSLDs in Longueuil and Saint-Lambert, in Montérégie, will be administered by the Integrated Health and Social Services Centres (CISSS) of Montérégie-Est and Montérégie-Centre.

In Saint-Lambert, the CISSS will also take care of the intermediate resource (IR) component.

The Pointe-Claire facility in Montreal will be managed by the Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS) of West Island of Montreal.

For this installation, the CIUSSS will also administer the private residence for seniors (RPA) component.

The provisional administration can last up to 180 days at most, but it can be extended if necessary.

The ministry says it has been in communication with the CHSLD for several months now, but “the current administration has not been able to achieve and maintain various expected standards,” it states in a press release.

“The government will not compromise on the health, safety and well-being of users. The interim administration is a proven measure that allows us to resolve problematic situations,” said Minister Sonia Bélanger in a press release.

In 2021, The duty had published an investigation into the Argyle CHSLD in Saint-Lambert, in which residents, caregivers and employees reported problems with sanitation and hygiene. The daily reported that these were “recurring” problems.

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