In October, it’s impossible to miss the chrysanthemums in garden centres, growers and florists. At this time of year, 23 million potted chrysanthemums are sold in France, a quarter being produced in the North and Maine-et-Loire.
The chrysanthemum has replaced the candle that was lit on tombs on All Saints Day. It was from the Armistice of the 1918 war that the chrysanthemum developed in our country and took its place in cemeteries. This image of the chrysanthemum associated with death is changing. In the East, the yellow chrysanthemum is a sign of longevity. We will only remember the beauty of this beautiful flower.
These beautiful balls of flowers which are also called autumn daisies
We talk about chrysanthemums, but in botany there are several genera all belonging to the Asteraceae family. There are still chrysanthemums with very large flowers which will adorn the tombs of cemeteries on All Saints’ Day, but today we are more interested in the pomponette which requires a little less work from the producer and which is very popular with gardeners, it is very decorative and is used in autumn flower arrangements at florists.
The pomponettes have very tight, single, double, variegated flowers, they can be installed in all corners of the garden or in the house, they will bring color before the long and sad winter. New and very original varieties appear every year.
© Radio France
Roland Motte
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