[Chronique] Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord on François Legault

The activists of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) must decide in the next few hours if they place their trust in their leader and founder, François Legault. It is certain that the prime minister will get an excellent mark, the only question being to discover the level of hegemony he exercises over his troops. In hollow, we can measure the extent of the grumbling caused by wear and a few broken words.

To guide the delegates in this important choice, I thought of interviewing one of the greatest political analysts of all time: Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838). All the following answers are from him, I swear. The questions are mine, I swear too.

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Would you be willing to answer a few questions about François Legault and the CAQ? There is only one thing that we like to see shared with us, although it is very dear to us, and that is our opinion.

I’ll take that as a yes. So I start. Many people, especially in Quebec, feel that the head of the CAQ broke his word about the third link. Don’t you find that shocking? Speech was given to man to hide his thought.

Perhaps, but we still have the impression that he no longer believes, today, in what he claimed to want to do “at all costs” before the elections. I forgive people for disagreeing with me. I do not forgive them for not being theirs.

Exactly, isn’t there a danger, in a democracy, of losing credibility? We only believe in those who believe in them.

Mr. Legault now says it would be too expensive. It’s a good reason ? Who does not have the means of his ambitions has all the worries.

So, are we right to reproach the CAQ for having denied its convictions? In politics, there are no convictions, only circumstances.

Some think that Mr. Legault should apologize, a good idea? Never say bad things about yourself, your friends will always say enough.

I see. But with this case, the CAQ suffered a sharp drop in voting intentions. It’s normal ? There is one thing more terrible than slander, it is the truth.

Well said. Then there is the case of Éric Caire. He had promised to resign if the third link did not come true. He refuses now. I know you’re cynical, but are there limits that shouldn’t be crossed? Lying is such an excellent thing that it should not be abused.

You are severe! Is what Cairo did so serious? It’s worse than a crime, it’s a fault!

However, François Legault supports him. A ministry that is sustained is a ministry that falls.

To have. But on the merits, do you think that the promise of the third link was good, especially since it was supported by many radio stations in Quebec? To govern human beings is to know their true needs, and not to obey their unruly whims.

It’s still strange that so many people were convinced that the project was going to happen when no study justified it, right? In politics, what is believed becomes more important than what is true.

All right. Some find that, in his replies, Mr. Legault becomes mean-spirited with his opponents. It is a problem ? What a pity, Gentlemen, that such a great man should be so badly brought up.

Maybe. But recently, Mr. Legault has been very hard on the Parti Québécois and its leader, who nevertheless have only a tiny caucus of three deputies. What is he afraid of? Nothing great has great beginnings, neither oaks, nor rivers, nor kingdoms, nor men of genius.

Not false. Let’s talk about something else. Before the election, Mr. Legault said that without obtaining federal powers in immigration, the future of the Quebec nation was at stake and that we risked “Louisianization”. He no longer uses these arguments at all. What do you think ? We must beware of first movements, because they are almost always honest.

But why, in your opinion, does he not say the same thing before and after the elections? Agitate the people before using it, a wise maxim.

But now, we don’t really know how to decode his will. Does he want, yes or no, to obtain all the powers in immigration? Can you tell us a method to understand the background of his thought? There is only one way to say yes, it is “yes”. Everyone else means no.

Very just. Do you think the Prime Minister should be much more transparent? If people knew by what little men they are governed, they would revolt quickly.

So rather no. Moreover, it’s weird: while the CAQ is holding a convention, we don’t say a word about its co-founder Charles Sirois. Do you have any news from him? He thinks he’s going deaf because he doesn’t hear about him anymore.

It’s hard. But you have a great deal of wit, it must be confessed. The mind is useful for everything, but it leads to nothing.

If you say so. What do you think of those who will say no during the vote of confidence in Mr. Legault? The malcontents are poor people who reflect.

Do you think that in secret, dissatisfied MPs, even ministers, could vote no? The best way to overthrow a government is to be part of it.

Certainly. If Mr. Legault retired before the end of his mandate, who do you think would have the best chance of succeeding him, Bernard Drainville or Geneviève Guilbault? Where so many men have failed, a woman can succeed.

Let me ask you this, in closing: with all the hassles inherent in political life, is it really worth getting involved in? To be of the world, what a bore! But not to be, what a tragedy!

Father, columnist and author, Jean-François Lisée led the PQ from 2016 to 2018. [email protected]; / blog: jflisee.org

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