Christophe Willem and his funny business around films for adults

Born on August 3, 1983 in Enghien-les-Bains, in the Val-d’Oise, Christophe Willem is celebrating his 39th birthday today. Big winner of the 3rd edition of the “New Star”, the young man has come a long way since his victory in the famous M6 show. An accomplished artist, the singer recently unveiled a brand new single. His next record, meanwhile, is set to land on September 16, 2022.” This album is an outlet, it is extremely intimate because I was without any restraint “, he explained during an interview with Karima Charni on his Youtube channel.

During this interview, the interpreter of the title “PS: I love you” added to have “ hesitated a lot before choosing its name ‘Panorama’ “. And if he finally opted for this word, it is for ” two reasons. The first is that it’s an album that goes around all the questions. I go straight to my adolescence, my relationship to sexuality, the relationship to the media, to the eyes of others. So there is this side: going around the question. ” The second, ” it’s that my parents lived in a street and often, when I was young and had complicated moments, I would go for a walk at the top of their street. The street is called ‘Rue du Panorama’ because we had a panorama of all of Paris. So it was a street in which I liked to find myself alone “.

“There was a whole barter”

Indeed, Christophe Willem did not have an easy childhood. Victim of school harassment, Slimane’s sidekick has never hidden that this period of his life had been a real ” nightmare “. However, the artist still keeps some good memories of his youth. Especially the time when he trafficked X movies at school. Interviewed on Daphne Bürki’s show “I love you, etc. “In January 2019, the one that Marianne James nicknamed “The Turtle” explained that science lessons were not explicit enough for his taste. He had therefore chosen to do his own sex education by watching pornographic films. ” My generation learned like this “, he explained at the time. ” Me, at school, I was doing the deal. I recorded sex movies that I then sold. There was a whole barter “. One hell of an anecdote!


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