Christophe Galtier at PSG: who is Jordan, his handsome son who follows in his footsteps?

This is the announcement that everyone has been waiting for for several weeks now on the side of Paris Saint-Germain. While everyone thought that the future coach of the capital club would be Zinedine Zidane, it is ultimately not so. Rumors and speculation that will have lasted for many weeks, but in the end the idol of the French prefers to wait and see if the post of coach of the Blues, occupied by Didier Deschamps, becomes free soon. The Zidane option put aside, the Parisian leaders turned to a less flashy profile, but just as competent with Christophe Galtier.

The one who coached Nice last season has just resigned and he is expected today for his presentation at the Parc des Princes. A little surprise for the 55-year-old man, originally from Marseille and who we did not imagine had really trained the rival club. A strong personality, the former player is a rather discreet man about his private life and if he mentioned his wife and the importance she has in his life a few years ago, he rarely talks about the subject. However, he is also the father of a son, already very big since he was born on March 22, 1989.

Jordan, coach like his father and dad of a little girl

At 33, Jordan Galtier followed the same path as his father since he is a former professional footballer who notably played for Arles-Avignon when they played in the second division. From now on, he has crossed over to the other side of the barrier, like his father, sincehe chose the coaching profession. He is currently playing for AC Ajaccio where he is an assistant coach and also takes care of the club’s training center. A few years ago, he gave an interview to the site myfootballclub in which he reveals to be married and father of a little girl named Lily Rose. Asked about his relationship with his father Christophe Galtier, he says that everything is going well. “A father-son relationship, everything is more normal!”he said at the time.

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