Christophe Galtier at PSG, an agreement reached with OGC Nice

Coach Christophe Galtier approaches Paris-Saint-Germain. He will leave OGC Nice, the sports department of Radio France learned from the coach’s entourage on Monday, June 22. An agreement has been reached between the two clubs.

Christophe Galtier was still engaged for two years with the Reds and Blacks. The negotiations began quite late between the two clubs, even if his name had been circulating for several days.

What to do with Pochettino?

According to information from franceinfo, the PSG really approached the GYM at the end of last week to make a proposal to buy back these two years of contract. The amount is not yet known but an agreement was therefore reached on Monday. The green light is finally given to bring Christophe Galtier to PSG.

However, the Parisian club has yet to settle the case of current coach Mauricio Pochettino and his staff. The Argentine is under contract with PSG until June 2023. It will therefore be necessary to record his departure and for that he must accept an agreement.

Paris Saint-Germain must also establish the contract of Christophe Galtier. The latter is in discussion with Luis Campos, the club’s new sports adviser who replaces Leonardo. Christophe Galtier and Luis Campos know each other, they formed a pair in Lille. The current Nice coach even tried to bring Luis Campos to OGC Nice this winter.

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