“Christophe Dechavanne was a bit clumsy”, the clan of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès cash on the “What a time” experience

His passage in What an era strongly reacted on Saturday March 9, 2024. Indeed, Christine, younger sister of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès

is sure that he is innocent and wanted to give his arguments to support his theory, when he came to the set of the show France 2.

During her visit, with her husband, she explained that she had carried out her counter-investigation and listed in a book the gray areas of a case that had never been clarified. This book ? It is Xavier, my presumed innocent brotheravailable since this Wednesday March 13, 2024 from the editions HarperCollins. If in her work, Christine explains why her brother is innocent, she obviously revealed part of her theory to the team of What an era.

Also see: Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès alive? This new testimony which revives all the speculations!

The sister of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès surprises the “Quelle Epoque” teams

For her, Xavier never killed his family and that is only one “staging”. Worse still, people would have “participated in this scenario” with police “accomplices in an exfiltration”. “I don’t know anything about the principles of exfiltration. I believe in my brother, very recently, he didn’t have the voice of an assassin at all, I still know how it works…”she assured on set.

A statement which stunned Léa Salamé, Christophe Dechavanne, and the other guests of the show France 2. Unconvinced by Christine’s words, Raphaël Glucksmann’s companion could not help but question his words, disconcerting the sister of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès.

His lawyer satisfied with the work of Léa Salamé, but regrets the “heavy” side of Christophe Dechavanne

Guest in the Buzz TV from Figaro

this Wednesday, March 13, Stéphane Goldenstein, Christine’s lawyer, reacted to his client’s appearance in the program. He took advantage of his visit to note the “professionalism” by Léa Salamé, and the side “heavy” by Christophe Dechavanne.

“At Léa Salamé she was a little disconcerted, I had the impression. And that’s why I said to myself that I should have been present on the set. To react or obviously clarify Madame Salamé’s questions . I left telling myself that I had made mistakes”he initially admitted to our colleagues.

However, he assures that “Madame Salamé did her job very well”. While Christophe Dechavanne “was a bit clumsy”. “But it doesn’t matter, I think it’s the theme of his show. It’s there to bounce back and give interest. I found that Léa Salamé did an excellent job as a journalist except that she unsettled my client who found herself a little stuck”he finally concluded, visibly not resentful towards the teams of What an era.


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