Christophe Dechavanne is injured calling an ambulance, chaos and discomfort on the set of “Quelle Epoque”

This Saturday, September 16, 2023, Christophe Dechavanne was faithful to his post on the set of the show What an era where he has been a columnist since last season. The show was marked by the intervention of Muriel Robin who, facing Léa Salamé, made a poignant declaration on her homosexuality and her place in the world of cinema.

Also invited on the set, the former dancer of the Paris Opera, Victoria Dauberville offered at the start of the program, a lovely show before trying to teach, at the request of Léa Salamé, the basics of dance classic to guests and columnists. Thus, Paul de Saint-Sernin, Philippe Caverivière, Muriel Robin and Christophe Dechavanne placed themselves at the helm for some graceful exercises.

To look more slender, the ballerina then asked her students for one evening, to swallow the belly” to stand “straight back” and descend into demi-plié then grand parfait. In great difficulty, Christophe Dechavanne made Muriel Robin laugh a lot before almost falling. Fortunately, Ninon Dechavanne’s dad was caught by the ballerina but decided to abandon the exercise and limped back to his chair.

Before we start and since it’s going to be funny and I’m already in a lot of pain, can we call an ambulance or something? Because in fact we were cold…” the columnist then asked. While all his colleagues were trying to find out at what level he was feeling pain, Christophe Dechavanne pointed to his lower abdomen before letting go. My necks hurt, my necks hurt.” Always very elegant, then corrected:The adductors. And evil is about to retort: “Well the adductors and what’s between the adductors. Thank you because I was cold as a stone, now I’m stiff as a stick, I’m dead.”

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