Christophe Beaugrand is the cousin of an American superstar: surprising revelations!

2022 is definitely the year of Camille Combal. On the personal side, the host had the pleasure of welcoming his first child with his wife Marie, as she timidly announced quite recently. And on the professional side, the former accomplice of Cyril Hanouna is not left out. Indeed, TF1 still trusts him as much to animate its programs. He even had the opportunity to present two completely new ones: Stereo Club and So what ?. Tuesday evening precisely, he presented a new number of So what ?after the episode of Koh Lanta. The principle is simple, six guests are divided into 2 teams of 3 and compete through different games, based on surveys or other offbeat information on the behavior of the French. This time, he notably received Baptiste Giabiconi, Sébastien Thoen, Alain Bernard or even Christophe Beaugrand on his set. And the latter had the opportunity to make a very surprising confidence.

Ghislain Gerin’s husband revealed to be linked with the famous Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman ! The sublime 40-year-old brunette, seen in the trilogy Star Wars but also awarded for black swanwould be more precisely her cousin. “In fact, I explain: Natalie Portman is married to Benjamin Millepied, who is a French prima ballerina. His mother comes from Bordeaux and She’s my mom’s distant cousin… So there you go. She’s my cousin but by marriage“, he explained, arousing surprise around him. Christophe Beaugrand still preferred to point out: “I’ve never met her of course!

The confidences of Valentin’s dad (2 years old) did not fail to provoke some mockery, in particular from Sébastien Thoen who teased his comrade by claiming to be the cousin of Barack Obama. But that did not discourage Christophe Beaugrand, who persisted in making himself heard. “My mother’s cousin’s son is married to Natalie Portman, so it’s part of the family i’m sorry“, he insisted. Camille Combal then assured him that this was completely valid in his eyes. “You’re the one I know that’s closest to Natalie Portman… That’s enough for me!“, he let go.

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