Christmas celebrations, criticism of Valérie Pécresse, referendum in New Caledonia … The “8h30 franceinfo” by Gabriel Attal

Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday 14 December. Fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic as the Christmas holidays approach, Valérie Pécresse who criticizes an interview with Emmanuel Macron, the referendum in New Caledonia … He answers questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Covid-19: the government does not want to “police the Christmas of the French”

After nearly two years of pandemic, “the French know more or less how to do it. I am not in this infantilization to steal the Christmas of the French”, said Gabriel Attal. He refuses to give other health recommendations than those of the Scientific Council to the French to spend the Christmas holidays. Moreover, “there are no plans to change the rules” health facilities in France over the next few days, despite the breakthrough of the Omicron variant.

“Today, we are at a little over 130 cases I believe, 133 cases, which have been detected”, he announced. “We sequence a lot, we screen most of the positive cases that are detected in France, we do more than 10,000 sequencing per week, which allows us to quite widely identify the cases on our soil and obviously to be vigilant particularly increased on the conditions of isolation, of contact cases “, he explains.

Presidential: Valérie Pécresse “has feverishness as a motor and hypocrisy as fuel”

Valérie Pécresse “has feverishness as a driving force and hypocrisy as fuel”, affirms Gabriel Attal, about the candidate Les Républicains for the presidential election of 2022 who announced to seize the CSA against the diffusion of an interview of Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday December 15 in the evening on TF1 and LCI estimating that the outgoing president was campaigning without to say it.

Gabriel Attal finds “disturbing” let candidate LR say “today the reverse of what she said at the time”, in January 2012, when eight channels had broadcast the intervention of Nicolas Sarkozy, outgoing president only a few months before the presidential election. Valérie Pécresse had then supported him.

Referendum in New Caledonia: “There is a result of the vote that must be heard”

“There is a result of the vote that must be heard”, insists Gabriel Attal, while the separatists contest the legitimacy of the third referendum on the independence of New Caledonia which was held during the weekend. He nevertheless recognizes that the abstention rate is a “political fact”, while only 43.87% of those registered on the electoral roll voted. the “no” at independence won 96.49% of the vote.

“It was the third consultation and for the third time, and without the slightest ambiguity, the Caledonians have chosen the Republic”, welcomes Gabriel Attal.

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