Christine Morency announces the dates of her tour

Popular actress Christine Morency announced on Thursday the dates for her 2022 tour across Quebec, which will begin in January. The Montreal premiere of its first “ one woman show Will take place on November 30, at the Olympia Theater.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger

Entitled Grace, this show is the realization of a dream for the artist. “It’s really ‘thanks’ to the audience that I can finally realize my dream of going on stage and touring,” Morency said in a statement. For me, the best happens. I can’t wait to meet them. So it’s also my own moment of grace. This showthere, I want it to be a big one party Between buddies. “

Tickets go on sale December 3 on the comedian’s website.

Laurent Paquin at KOScène

Separately, arts company KOScène announced Thursday that it will produce the 5e solo show by Laurent Paquin. For the latter, it is “a great professional leap” in his career. KOScène, it’s a great team and I will try to endure Louis [Morissette], because I am convinced that he has a good background, ”joked the humorist about the president and co-director of the KO Group, with Véronique Trépanier.

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