Christine Bravo lives a nightmare because of her ex-husband: she gives a rant

While she is currently on vacation on the other side of the world with her companion Stéphane Bachot, Christine Bravo is angry with her ex-husband Philippe Brunel. A separation not quite settled because the host and columnist has still not received her rights following their divorce. On Twitter, after being once again at an impasse with the French administration, she expressed her anger.

Girls who divorce, (or not) I have to tell you something VERY important: NOTE your husband ILLICO’s security number. Why ? The pension fund REQUIRES IT to pay you YOUR rights even 20 years after your divorce! I put Emmanuel Macron in copy!“She wrote. According to Christine Bravo, her ex-husband does not want to give her the information she needs.”He does not want to give it to me whenI have NEVER been asked for my retirement security number! And you don’t UNDERSTAND my indignation ??? How do precarious women survive in such a case? (…) Lthe pension fund HARASSES me for this security number, okay? And BLOCK my file!“, she rebelled.

Christine Bravo is all the more annoyed that Philippe Brunel, the father of her daughter Clara (29), would never have encountered any such problem. “I would like to point out that my ex-husband IS retired and has been collecting his rights for 3 years. Did they ask him for my security number? Had he had it for 20 years? For lack of contacts, I do not know. Tell me if YOU also go through this debugging thing! Where are the feminists?“, she added.

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