Christine Bravo has bought a house in Corsica: she recounts her misadventures!

Christine Bravo is now Corsican! It is she who says it since she recently bought a house on the island of Beauty. The former host of cult shows Frou Frou and Free Unionwho is to marry next June there with her fiancé Stéphane, confided in the radio.

Monday March 21, Christine Bravo was one of the residents of the Big heads of RTL and she confirmed to Laurent Ruquier that she is now Corsican. “From the moment I am a resident, I am Corsican! Yes, I bought a house, I live there“, she said on the air, taking care not to specify in which corner of the island to preserve her privacy. And the former host, now 65, to tell her misadventures to furnish and decorate his new property.”I order a garden furniture, in Corsica, and it does not arrive! So I call (…) and they ask me to type in my tracking number for tracking and there, they ask me for the postal code, I type 20, and I won’t tell you the other three digits… And there I am told that this department number does not exist!“, she recounted.

And Christine Bravo, who has not yet completely moved from the capital – she lives on a barge – to Corsica, to explain that after having had the customer service of the company Mano Mano, she understood why she did not receive his purchase in his new home in the sun. “I’ll tell you why, we Corsicans, it can’t go [une référence à l’actualité brûlante, avec le retour de la question autour de l’autonomie de l’île en pleine polémique sur la mort d’Yvan Colonna, NDLR]. They do not deliver to Corsica! I find myself with my garden furniture in my apartment in Paris!“, she added, annoyed but under the laughter of her comrades and the public.

The resident of the show, who also offers historic cruises on a second barge in Paris, readily admitted not having ordered what she needed directly in Corsica because “it’s four times more expensive!

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