Christine and the Queens return with a new album and a collaboration with Madonna

The 35-year-old artist will roam the European stages, the United Kingdom, go back to North America, without forgetting of course a few passages in France to carry this album, of twenty titles in its long version.

The artist who calls himself Christine and the Queens again, now gendered in the masculine, returns with a new album where Madonna puts her voice, served by a striking show on the roads. Forgot the confusing alias Redcar chosen mid-November 2022 for the release of the disc The adorable stars. Passed a little unnoticed, the album was only the prologue in French of a suite in English, Paranoia, Angels, True lovemore seductive, which comes out on Friday, June 9.

The adorable stars had been preceded by two concerts at the Cirque d’hiver in Paris, setting a visceral and overloaded performance, intended for the ultimate fans. As a prelude to Paranoia, angels, true lovethe pop singer has this time prowled the Californian festival of Coachella in April and especially the French Art Rock festival in May, unveiling five new titles.

Those who attended were amazed. “It was hyper-impressive, a total spectacle, we went beyond a concert“, described for AFP Alice Boinet, programmer of Art Rock. This festival is customary for this kind of good shots since Phoenix, a French group which, like Christine and the Queens, finds a good echo internationally, was there. revealed his scenography for his latest opus Alpha Zulu last year.

On stage, for Christine and the Queens, there is a monumental statue, Anglo-Saxon musicians and him, in the middle, very theatrical, with a vocal power that we had perhaps somewhat forgotten and which stunned the audience“, continues Alice Boinet. The thirty-year-old artist will survey the European stages, the United Kingdom, go back to North America, without forgetting of course a few passages in France to carry this album, of twenty titles in its long version, nine in the short. Obviously, the titles with Madonna – Angels crying in my bed, I met an angel And Lick the light out – will make people talk.

The megastar, who will begin a world tour this summer to celebrate his 40-year career, speaks there in a spectral voice. Which fits perfectly with the themes of the spiritual journey after bereavement (Christine and the Queens recently lost her mother) and the quest for love that run through the record. The French artist, revealed by the album Human warmth (2014), explains in his notes of intent sent to the interpreter of vogue of the “parts to read instead of choruses to sing, in order to speak to the actress who is in her“. And to greet “that iconic, so iconic, Madonna voice that speaks with all facets [inscrites] in our consciousness, taking multiple forms and roles, from mother figure to dominatrix“.

“You’re crazy, I’ll do it”

Madonna, a big fan of the Frenchman, even invited him in 2015 to join her on stage at Bercy (Accor Arena) in Paris, slapping his buttocks for a video sequence that went viral. But how to convince the singer to material girl to participate in a very conceptual project on paper? “It happened on a phone call, she said to me:You’re crazy, I’ll do it (‘You are crazy, I will do it’)”, says Christine and the Queens in Les Inrockuptibles.

We must not stop at the pieces where Madonna appears, nor at the esoteric interview passages of Christine and the Queens, who thus relates in Les Inrockuptibles a complex discussion with the DJs of a French radio station. They assure that they can ” judge the effectiveness of a piece in the first ten seconds“, he talks to them about “shamanic journey“. The album, which the Frenchman co-produced with Mike Dean (collaborator of Jay-Z, The Weeknd or Beyoncé), includes beautiful moments like the ballad I feel like an angel.

The pieces big-eye And Tears can be soft benefit from a Portishead style rhythm (one of the leading British groups of trip-hop). And Marvin descending promises chills on stage.

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