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Christiane Taubira announced his candidacy for the presidential election, Saturday January 15, from the Croix-Rousse hill in Lyon. She has defined three axes for his campaign. The journalist Alexander Peyrout, duplex on site, takes stock.
The former Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, is officially a candidate for the presidential election. Saturday January 15 in Lyon (Rhône), she unveiled some drafts of her project, structured around three main axes: the renewal of democracy, ecology and social issues. On this last topic, “the former Keeper of the Seals made two key proposals: first the increase of the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net per month, and the establishment of an allowance of 800 euros for five years for young people”, specifies the journalist Alexandre Peyrout, in duplex from Lyon.
Christiane Taubira said “want to take [sa] share against demoralization, against bellicose speeches, for ecology”, continues the journalist. The hardest remains to be done for the candidate : attempt to unite a divided left, whereas the competitors in his camp refuse to participate in the citizens’ initiative of the Primary Popular. The former Keeper of the Seals indicated that she would participate and “would recognize the results”, concludes alexander Peyrout.