Christiane Taubira’s announcement “it’s a little more confusing”, says Roland Cayrol



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Roland Cayrol, political scientist, director of research associated with Cevipof, is the guest of the 23 Hours of franceinfo, Friday, December 17. He returns to Christiane Taubira, who indicated, that same day, to consider a candidacy for the presidential election of 2022.

Friday, December 17, by saying consider a presidential candidacy of April 2022, Christiane Taubira she brings a solution or division to the left? “This could be a solution, for the moment it is frankly a little more confusion. She does not say under what conditions she plans to be a candidate, if she is in favor of a primary even”, explains Roland Cayrol, political scientist, associate research director at Cevipof.

How to understand the video declaration of the former Minister of Justice? “She believes in it, she thinks she is capable of changing the game of politics on the left. It’s very daring. She is an icon, a woman of very high quality.”, develops the political scientist.

However, the political landscape of the left seems obstructed. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot will not work in this blow”, says Roland Cayrol.

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