Christiane Taubira will say “in a few weeks” who she is voting for

These are a few sentences in his speech of renunciation. Christiane Taubira evokes, evasively, a “dynamics of a common house for the legislative elections” next June. And more immediately, on the presidential election, she makes an appointment “in the next weeks” to say what his first-round vote will be.

The reactions were obviously quick to come from the other campaign teams, with each competing in kind words for the former Minister of Justice, to whom Yannick Jadot once again held out his hand: she is “welcome” in the environmental campaign. In private, Jadot is convinced that Taubira can join him, and his team boasts an altogether logical hypothesis since he came second in the popular primary in January, behind Christiane Taubira.

For the Greens, there would be consistency in the two joining together but resistance is mentioned around the candidate, on the part of ex-socialists whose hearts lean more towards Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

In the team of Christiane Taubira, it is a reading that annoys deeply. “The Greens are making a mess”we are told, “Christiane is no better off with Jadot than with the others on the left.” “Besidesslips a close, he did not behave better with her than did Hidalgo or Mélenchon.”

Strategically, the alliance with the ecologist is not essential. Because some at Taubira even doubt Yannick Jadot’s ability to make a good campaign. “He is bad through and through”, analyzes an adviser, who is even considering a scenario where he would finish less than 5% in the first round. Which means that at this stage, Christiane Taubira does not forbid herself anything, even if “not one really makes you want to mobilize behind him”, confides the entourage of the former Keeper of the Seals. In particular, the violence of the attacks between left-wing candidates. “They have much harsher words about each other than about Zemmour or Le Pen”accuses a relative.

However, Christiane Taubira wants to remain faithful to the promise of rallying carried by the popular primary. And now to the promise of overcoming existing parties, “who only have their capacity to cause harm”, she says. The remark was particularly aimed at the PS, so we understand that Anne Hidalgo will not be his natural choice.

There is one certainty: what Christiane Taubira will say will only be binding on her person, not the members of the popular primary, nor the team that has accompanied her since. And it will be the expression of a vote. Not support, not rallying: “She has no vocation, we are told, to join a campaign.”

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