Christiane Taubira “wants to embody a path for the rally above the parties”, according to the president of the PRG

Guillaume Lacroix, president of the Radical Left Party (PRG), regional councilor of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, indicated this Saturday on franceinfo that Christiane Taubira “wants to embody a path for the gathering that rises above parties, above partisan squabbles”. The former Keeper of the Seals formalized this Saturday morning in Lyon his candidacy for the presidential election. She will participate in the popular citizen primary which will take place from January 27 to 30. “The more voters there are, the more weight this primary will have, will prevail. This is Christiane Taubira’s bet”, he explains.

franceinfo: Does Christiane Taubira want to embody hope for the left?

Guillaume Lacroix: She wants to embody a path for the gathering that rises above parties, above partisan quarrels. She also addressed this morning only to French women and men. She took the measure of this election in which the left is now offside. This situation is not tenable, is not sustainable. We must gather. Christiane Taubira is a free woman, independent of political parties. She went through the PRG more than 15 years ago. It did not stay there because it cannot be attached to any political confinement. Taubira is an unclassifiable form of representation that can unite the left.

How to unite the left?

This requires the will, first, to govern together. We heard many candidates call for this idea that there were lefts that were not irreconcilable: Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, I am also thinking of Fabien Roussel. There are women and men who have known for a long time that several people can govern. Simply today, the situation is encysted in quarrels of stables, partisan quarrels, nobody wanting to line up behind anybody. This situation is absolutely not up to par.

How to get out of this situation ?

This is played out in the popular citizen primary which will take place from January 27 to 30. All candidates will be subject to this vote. All the candidates, moreover, at one time or another, for a year, have called for primaries. These primaries are going to take place.

“Whether we like it or not, this is the time for citizens to say: ‘Since you are not able to agree among yourselves, we are going to put some order.'”

Guillaume Lacroix, President of the PRG

The more voters there are, the more numerous they are, the more they will be superior to those experienced by the primary of the Greens or the primary LR, the more this primary will have a weight, will impose itself. This is Christiane Taubira’s bet.

Since when has Christiane Taubira been thinking about this candidacy?

We have been talking about it since the end of November. In reality, she really took the time to discuss, exchange and gauge. She didn’t just argue with a fan club of people who wanted to push her. She also heard those who held her back. She truly wanted to make this serious, solemn, important decision in time. But at the same time of her reflection, she obviously worked with many experts, with many women and men from the left, from the associative world on what would be a rallying program for the left.

Do you have any concerns for sponsorships?

First, the Radical Left Party has a large base of elected officials. I also hear what the 200 mayors of the “Romainville oath” say: that they will sponsor whoever wins the primary citizen. I hear the mayor of Marseilles saying exactly the same thing. I hear the president of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté saying exactly the same thing. I hear the president of the agglomeration of Guéret say the same thing. Absolutely no worries. The real concern today is that the left is absent from the presidential election.

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