Christiane Taubira supports the Popular Primary, “the last space to build the union” of the left

During a trip to Seine-Saint-Denis on Saturday, the former minister of François Hollande gave some indications on the terms of his possible candidacy.

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His intentions are becoming clearer. The possible left-wing presidential candidate Christiane Taubira supported the Popular Primary on Saturday, December 18. The former Minister of Justice sees in this initiative led by a collective of civil society the “last space to build the union” from the left, in which she intends to participate. After announcing the day before “to consider” to be a presidential candidate in 2022, she said she wanted to give herself “the time needed to ensure that we [la gauche] may we seize this last chance of union “.

>> Presidential 2022: how Christiane Taubira was persuaded to enter the campaign

Interviewed in her first “campaign displacement” on the debate proposal launched on Friday by the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo, Christiane Taubira said he wanted “continue to move forward with determination while respecting each and everyone”, mentioning People’s Primary. “I have already said aloud several times how good I feel about this democratic and generational process. Its founders built the credibility of the process. They gave it autonomy.”, she added. For her, “It is precisely up to its founders to specify the rules. It does indeed seem the last space where this union can be built”.

Christiane Taubira is one of the 10 candidates selected by the Popular Primary, from a collective aimed at linking the aspirations of civil society and left-wing parties. The rebellious candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon and that of the ecologists Yannick Jadot refused to participate. The People’s Primary vote is scheduled for January 27-30. Almost 300,000 people have already signed up to participate.

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