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There are now 11 official presidential candidates. Christiane Taubira announced that it was withdrawing its candidacy on Wednesday March 2 because it failed to obtain the necessary 500 signatures. Live, we find the journalist Alexandre Peilleout.
“After a month and a half of campaigning, Christiane Taubira throws in the towel, for lack of sponsorship”explains the journalist Alexandre Peilleout live from Paris. Indeed, the candidate has collected only 181 sponsorships against 500 necessary to be able to run for president. She had made the rally of the left “the main objective of her campaign, but she only suffered refusals from socialists and ecologists”says the journalist.
“His campaign was then transformed into a veritable Stations of the Cross”continues the journalist. His withdrawal does not surprise some of his relatives. “It was inevitable”said one of them. Christiane Taubira does not have for the moment given no voting instructions for the first turn, but she is already thinking about the future “with why not the creation of a new movement which would be built in opposition to the old parties in agony”reports Alexander Peilleout.