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Unlike other left-wing candidates, she recognizes the popular citizens’ initiative primary organized at the end of the month.
This time, she goes on the campaign trail. Christiane Taubira said to herself “extremely proud and happy” to be a candidate for the Elysée, Saturday January 15 at 8 p.m. on France 2. A few hours after her declaration of candidacy in Lyon, the former Minister of Justice justified her choice, while the candidacies are already numerous on the left . “We are all convinced that the left’s only chance is unity”, she said, noting that this five-year term had been “harsh for the poorest” : “People are fighting for their salaries, the climate, violence against women. They need the support of public authorities”.
Isn’t there a risk in adding a candidacy on the left, while advocating its union? “The only contradiction is to proclaim that the union is necessary and to stay each in his lane”, she defended herself on the set of France 2. “I say that I recognize the rules of the popular primary and that I recognize in advance the results of this popular primary”, she pleaded, with reference to the citizens’ initiative ballot organized from January 27 to 30. Pressed to answer on the organization of this vote, she said to herself “sorry that the only question [qui lui soit posée] or that of the mechanism”. Some commentators, however, criticize the popular primary, refused by several candidates (Yannick Jadot, Jean-Luc Mélenchon …), to be in all respects calibrated to offer a guarantee to the former minister.