Christiane Taubira boasts of her “seat which must make a lot of people envious”

In an interview with “Liberation”, the new presidential candidate detailed what distinguished her from her rivals on the left.

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She shows her confidence. In an interview at Release, Saturday, January 22, presidential candidate Christiane Taubira boasted of her “seated”, “which must be the envy of a lot of people”. “There is still a citizen movement that has been supporting my candidacy for more than a year. [“Avec Taubira”] and mobilizes tens of thousands of people”, did she say. “It is also in the hands of a citizens’ movement that I place the fate of my candidacy and my legitimacy. No party mobilizes so much”, estimated Christiane Taubira, with reference to the consultation “People’s Primary”, with more than 352,000 registered as of Friday.

Credited with between 2.5 and 6% of votes in the polls, the candidate announced that she recognizes the result of this online vote, whose registrations will be closed this Sunday and which will take place from January 27 to 30. Unlike Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo, who criticized this citizens’ initiative for having included them among the voting choices without their agreement.

Asked about his singularity in a left fragmented into five main candidacies, the former Keeper of the Seals praised his “30 years of political life”. “I have a sensitivity and I am committed. My background makes me identifiable on all issues: justice, equal rights and ecology”, did she say. “Contrary to the lawsuits against me, I have been working for a long time” on ecology, as a Guyanese witness to the deforestation of the Amazon, assured the candidate.

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