Christian Quesada: Collapsed, the mother of a victim tells the trap into which her 13-year-old daughter fell

On Wednesday January 5, 2022, W9 broadcast a documentary dedicated to the journey of Christian Quesada, “from the TV studios to the prison”. A film that recalls that the former grand master of 12 noon shots was convicted of “bribery of minors” and “possession and dissemination of child pornography”. Precisely, a chilling affair was told around one of his last victims at the time of his arrest by the police, a 13 year old girl.

The latter would be like others fallen into the trap of Christian Quesada through social networks. Faithful viewer of 12 noon shots, it is by posting a photo of him on Twitter that the contact would have taken place. Then, to attract him in his nets, Christian Quesada would then have been very generous. “He offered to take her to Disneyland with him, to offer him the journey, the entrance and all“, remembers the mother of the teenager. The girl refuses but the champion does not give up. He then uses the same method which has proved more conclusive with other alleged victims: pretending to be a 16 year old teenage girl with a pseudonym. It is at this moment that he encourages her to strip naked during the game “Truth or Dare”. “The pledge was’take off your t-shirt so i can see your chest. I will show you mine if I lose” “, summarizes Frédéric Boudouresque, journalist at Progress,

Faced with the insistence of Christian Quesada, the young girl finally gives in. At the gendarmerie, it is then the shock for his parents who discover these images. “I saw the photos of my naked daughter, with specific parts in addition. I hallucinated. It is not possible to request such photos. These are very embarrassing photos, the mother confided, before bursting into tears.

The search at Christian Quesada’s home will eventually prove that he is indeed a predator when investigators notably got hold of his computer where he kept thousands of child pornography images … After spending two years in prison behind bars, Christian Quesada is released on March 25, 2021. Upon release, he is physically transformed and seeks to be forgotten. Since then, he would be “on the run”.

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