Christian Jacob, president of the Republicans, will not be a candidate for his succession

This Chiraquian chaired the UMP then LR group in the National Assembly for nearly nine years, from 2010 to 2019, when he took over as head of the Republicans.

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One of the emblematic faces of the Assembly is bowing out. The President of the Republicans Christian Jacob will not be a candidate for his succession during the June legislative elections in his constituency of Seine-et-Marne, he said on Friday April 29, confirming information from LCP.

It is a decision “taken for two or three years”developed the person concerned, who will nevertheless appear as a substitute on the list of Isabelle Périgault, the mayor of the rural town of Plessis-Feu-Aussoux (Seine-et-Marne).

First elected MP in 1995

Former mayor of Provins, Christian Jacob had been elected since 1995 in the 4th district of Seine-et-Marne, with an interruption between 2002 and 2007, when he became minister. Now 62 years old, this Chiraquian chaired the UMP group then LR in the National Assembly for almost nine years, from 2010 to 2019, when he took over as head of the Republicans.

Christian Jacob intends to lead the battle for the legislative elections “with the support of the entire management team”he said Tuesday at a press conference, citing Laurent Wauquiez and Xavier Bertrand. “We are going to surprise these legislative elections”he assured AFP, saying to himself “struck by the difference between what happened at the national level and the mobilization on the ground”.

These elections promise to be crucial for LR after the debacle (4.8%) of their presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse, to dissuade the outgoing tempted by the macronie from leaving the ship, while the LR deputies today constitute the first opposition group in the Assembly.

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