Christian Jacob leaves the presidency of the Les Républicains party, Annie Genevard takes over as interim

His successor will be appointed in the fall.

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There it’s finished. As planned for a long time, Christian Jacob leaves, Friday July 1st the presidency of the Republicans. He spent three years at the head of a party in crisis, whose unity he somehow maintained. As provided for in the statutes of his political formation, he will be replaced from Monday by the number 2 of the party, the deputy of Doubs Annie Genevard, who will act as interim until the next congress scheduled for November.

Arrived at the helm on October 14, 2019, Christian Jacob found a party struggling, fallen to 62,000 members, and struck by the defeat in the European elections (8.5%) which caused the resignation of Laurent Wauquiez. “I gave the best of myself to guarantee our unity in a period when little was spared us”says the former boss of LR deputies on Friday in a letter to members.

Under his mandate, the municipal then the regional ones devote the resistance of the elected LR, a satisfaction for this herald of the local anchorage. But the bitter failure of Valérie Pécresse (4.8% of the vote) in the presidential election of 2022 tarnishes the end of her time with the party.

“My greatest satisfaction is to have been able to bring the LR family together in an explosive context, to ensure that Les Républicains still exist when they will have a central role to play over the next five years”believes the former leader of the right-wing deputies in an interview with Figaro. “But my biggest disappointment is not having succeeded in loosening the noose between the artistic vagueness of En Marche and the extremes, in the presidential election”.

His successor will be appointed in the fall. For the moment, there is neither a declared candidate nor a precise timetable. Christian Jacob makes no secret of his favorite: it is Laurent Wauquiez. He is “the one who brings together all the necessary qualities”, he explains to Figaro.

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