Christian Dubé wishes “that we all have a very Merry Christmas”

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, affirmed, Saturday during the general council of the Coalition futur Quebec (CAQ) in Trois-Rivières, that he wishes “that we all spend a very merry Christmas”.

• Read also: Letter from the outgoing mayor of Quebec: the CAQ draws a line on the Labeaume era

• Read also: CAQ: 10 years and everything to accomplish

• Read also: 10th anniversary: ​​the CAQ is “changing Quebec”, says Legault

Party activists took advantage of the rally to highlight Mr. Dubé’s work during the pandemic, including his management of the crisis.

A gesture which visibly moved the Minister of Health, who admitted to being “lucky to be there”.

Asked about what he collectively wishes in Quebec, in health, in the coming year, Christian Dubé expressed his wish to “continue to improve our health network”.

“I have met a lot of people who are in the network here, because there are more than 300,000 people who work in the health network and there are several here. It’s about continuing to improve the network, ”he replied.

“And in the very, very, very short term, that people find pride in the network, not only to work there, but to be looked after there,” added the Minister of Health.

Meeting in general council this weekend, the activists of the CAQ celebrate the 10th anniversary of the party.

On Saturday, the 850 or so people present adopted around fifty resolutions.

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