Christian Bale and Margot Robbie embarked on a clever detective comedy

Already present in american bluff and fighters by David O. Russell, Christian Bale trusts the director again in a comedy. He is unrecognizable in amsterdam, which premieres Tuesday, November 1, alongside Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Anna Taylor-Joy, Mike Myers and Robert de Niro. Beautiful game, but isn’t the bride a little too beautiful?

In 1933 in New York, two old buddies veterans of the War of 14, Dr. Burt Berendsen (Christian Bale) and lawyer Harold Woodman (John David Washington) devote themselves to charitable works. When they learn that the man who started their friendship is dead, they realize that the family doesn’t care to know the cause, if not to profit from it, until they become the prime suspects.

“Amsterdam” is the story of the reunion of three friends in New York, more than ten years after the end of the blessed Roaring Twenties World War I, spent in the Dutch capital.

Romanesque and wacky thriller, the film also evokes the American general Gil Dillenback, commander in 1917 of the 369th New York Regiment, made up of African-Americans, played by a remarkable Robert de Niro.

The historical background articulates well with the subject, in particular the evocation of the incorporation of African-Americans into the French regiments in 1917, at the request of the Pentagon because of segregationism in the US Army.

The plot is convoluted in the tradition of film noir, and the parody is served by a Christian Bale-Dr. Maboul with small onions. David O. Russell, however, smoothes the image of his film too much, with gleaming reconstitution, with costumes taken out of the dry cleaners, and where not a wick sticks out. A glamor in the style of the time (1933) but a little superfluous. this tinsel is however counterbalanced by audacious gories, unwelcome at Disney which produces and distributes the film, via 20th Century Fox, now owned by the major.

The film keeps the promise of good Hollywood entertainment where the investment is in the screen, in the image and a luxury cast, completed by Chris Rock, Michael Shannon, Taylor Swift, even Matthias Schoenaerts in a small role. amsterdam stands out, with its two eras ten years apart, a pact revived by fate, in an interwar period that darkens, but countered by humor. All the luxury of a blockbuster that cinema really needs right now.

Gender : Crime comedy
Director: David O.Russell
Actors: Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Anna Taylor-Joy, Mike Myers, Robert de Niro
Duration : 2h14
Exit : November, 1st
Distributer : Walt Disney Company France

Summary: The story of three close friends who find themselves at the center of one of the most secret and shocking plots in American history.

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