Chris Pratt soon dad for the 3rd time: his wife Katherine is pregnant

Never two without three ! Chris Pratt will become a father once again. The American site People relate, thursday 16 december, the second pregnancy of his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger. From his past marriage to actress Anna Faris, he was already the father of a little boy.

Several sources close to the couple have confirmed the happy news to the site but the main parties have not yet officially reacted. Chris Pratt (42) and Katherine Schwarzenegger (32) tied the knot in 2019 after a few months of dating. From this love story was born a little girl, Lyla Maria, in August 2020. The happy mother did not fail to post a message on social networks for the first birthday of her daughter. “At this same time the year before, I became a mother. What a magical year this has been. I look at my little girl with emotion as she grows and transforms“, wrote the daughter of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Katherine’s new pregnancy is not such a big surprise since Chris Pratt, a devout Catholic follower of a disparaged homophobic church, has never hidden his desire to have a big family. Asked by E! News, the actor of Parks and Recreation admitted he would love to have more children with his wife. “We will do it. I should probably have a discussion with Katherine on the subject but my plan is to go“, he said then.

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