Chris Marques, Valérie Damidot and Djibril Cissé help you to respect your good resolutions with the WW “100% motivated” challenge!

A new year has just started… And like every January, many French people make good resolutions. Stop smoking, eat healthier, play sports, these famous resolutions generally concern a healthy lifestyle. The proof, in 2021, 89% of French people already wanted to strengthen their health to be less vulnerable to the Covid-19 virus.

To support you in this new, much healthier way of life, good news, WW (formerly Weight Watchers) is helping you for the second year in a row! Ambassadors of choice and quality coaches, this year 2022, WW is saying “yes to well-being” by offering you the possibility of attending live events accessible everywhere in France and free of charge.

Salsa lessons with Chris Marques, fitness sessions with Djibril Cissé or even nutrition advice from Valérie Damidot… One thing is certain, this month of January 2022 will start under the best auspices in order to propel you on the right path throughout the year. year 2022.

A one-month challenge accessible to all!

Designed to exercise while having fun, the “100% motivated” well-being challenge is accessible from home or outside. Indeed, through the lives broadcast via the Instagram account of WW France, the speakers will transmit their energy and their tips to you so that these good resolutions become a real routine!

Save the date ! Here is the schedule of upcoming lives to be discovered on WW’s Instagram account:

● 01/03: Live Fitness with Djibril Cissé
● 01/07: Live Cardio Latino with Coach Delphine
● 01/11: Live Recipe with Alessandra Montagne
● 01/15: Live Dance with Chris Marques
● 01/17: Live Fitness with Djibril Cissé
● 01/20: Live discussion experience WW of Valérie Damidot and her Coach Sophie
● 01/21: Live Cardio Latino with Coach Delphine
● 01/24: Live Dance with Chris Marques

Lisa Ziane

To see also:

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