“Chosen savings rather than suffered rationing”, what Elisabeth Borne will say in front of the Medef

Full employment and above all the ecological transition: the two major axes of the five-year term will be on the program of the Medef back-to-school meeting. The Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France (REF) of the Medef opens this Monday, August 29, with a highly anticipated speech by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

>> Taxation of superprofits: Elisabeth Borne does not “close the door” to this option, but prefers corporate initiatives

A scrutinized intervention after her interview in Le Parisien / Today in France where she indicated that the government does not “will not control the French at home” regarding the energy savings requested, while adding that “regarding companies, there will be common sense constraints“…before you”not close the doorto the tax on superprofits.

In front of the employers, the Prime Minister must therefore call on companies and individuals to “general mobilization” in terms of energy sobriety, with, always in mind, the Russian gas cuts which threaten the winter of Europeans. Moreover, the Medef meeting will open with a video speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

For companies, “savings chosen rather than rationing suffered”

The hour of energy sobriety, announced by Emmanuel Macron on July 14, is triggered by Elisabeth Borne who is sounding the charge: either we mobilize now, or the government will have to tighten the screw. According to our information, the government’s watchword for this return to school will be “savings chosen rather than rationing suffered“. Word “rationing” will perhaps even be pronounced by Elisabeth Borne during her speech to the Medef.

The government requires efforts from September, with a 10% reduction in gas consumption required. The Prime Minister gives companies a month to get in line: “If we are not up to it, we will have to activate much more restrictive measures”warns the executive.

And the response from the employers was not long in coming: “We did not wait for the Prime Minister to return to sobriety“, assures Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of Medef, invited this Monday on France Inter. “Bosses are rarely careless”continues Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, who recalls that “when prices rise, consumption is reduced“.” We are going to try, we are going to make an effort, everyone is in the same boat, we obviously have an interest in reducing our consumption“, he summarizes.

The French encouraged to eco-gestures

The French will also have to save energy. In the offices, you should not forget your little wool because the temperature will be 19 degrees: Elisabeth Borne suggests that companies take inspiration from the administration’s sobriety plan. Matignon is more circumspect about teleworking: according to the Prime Minister’s teams, the studies have not been very convincing on the subject.

>>Energy sobriety: is it really useful to turn off the light?

At home, the recommended temperature will also be 19 degrees, depending on their age and state of health. There will be no gas cuts in homes, if only for technical reasons, assures the government.

But through this speech in front of companies, the objective is to reach all French people, to call them to a collective effort. An awareness campaign on “eco-gestures” will also be launched at the end of September or the beginning of October at the latest.

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