Choreographer Boris Charmatz takes charge of the prestigious Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch

Boris Charmatz will have to relaunch the offer of this cultural place “related to the work of Pina Bausch”, who conducted the Wuppertal ballet for over 35 years before dying abruptly in 2009.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


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The contemporary French dancer and choreographer Boris Charmatz will take over the management of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch from September 2022, the city home to the historic company created by the German artist announced on November 21.

Boris Charmatz’s task as artistic director of the dance theater will be to “to create new works for the ensemble and to give it a space of artistic freedom”, according to a statement from the city. The French will have to relaunch the offer of this cultural place “related to the work of Pina Bausch”, who conducted the Wuppertal ballet for over 35 years before dying abruptly in 2009.

Internationally renowned artist, Boris Charmatz is considered one of the leaders of the “non-dance”, professing to invest all types of public spaces and to decompartmentalize the boundaries between the arts.

On his personal page, he expresses Thursday the “desire” of“to outline the first dance company strongly registered in a Franco-German project”, wanting “embody the official partnership between the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia (to which the city of Wuppertal belongs) and Hauts-de-France“where it has been installed since 2019.

“Why not imagine that the work of Pina Bausch and the future work that I will undertake with the Tanztheater are also part of France, in a new spirit?”, he adds.

The appointment of Boris Charmatz, which received the unanimity of the supervisory board of the dance theater, has yet to receive the approval of the finance committee of the city of Wuppertal.

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