Roland Lescure was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday May 13, 2024
Reading time: 25 min

Roland Lescure, Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy, was the guest on 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Monday May 13. Choose France Summit, Choose France Summit, Metex, armaments, European elections, he answers questions from Salhia Brakhlia and érôme Chapuis.
Deindustrialization in France: “we will have reversed the 15 years that have just passed” for Roland Lescure
Emmanuel Macron brings together 180 foreign bosses at the “Choose France” summit who will take advantage of the Versailles showcase to announce the construction or expansion of factories, or other investments in France for more than 15 billion euros in total, a “record” illustrating the ongoing reindustrialization, according to the government.
At the top of the bill is Microsoft’s announcement of four billion euros of investments for a new data center in eastern France and the expansion of others in the Paris region and near Marseille, to respond to the growing demand for artificial intelligence and cloud computing services. “This is the largest investment we have ever made” in France, declared its president Brad Smith.
“There is a huge amount of work to do,” to reverse 30 years of deindustrialization in France, admits Industry Minister Roland Lescure. “In Dunkirk we have destroyed 10,000 jobs over the past 15 years, and we will create 20,000 in the next 10 years.” “At the pace of factory openings we are at, within ten years, we will have reversed the 15 years that have just passed”he insists.
“This is very good news, in the face of sometimes somewhat generalized defeatism, let’s not spoil our pleasure,” welcomed the Minister Delegate in charge of Industry. France is committed to the reindustrialization of its territories. In 2023, there was “200 additional net factories or factory expansions”recalls Roland Lescure. “There are factory openings in 2023, new ones, it’s around 50-55 and there are factories which are expanded, it’s around 150”he explains. “We take both, because both are employment, both are activity, both are prosperity”he says.
According to the minister, in seven years, 130,000 industrial jobs have been created in France. Except that in almost three decades, France has lost nearly two million industrial jobs. “It gives an idea of both the good news, but also of what remains to be done,” he notes.
“Jordan Bardella is a serial liar”, denounces Roland Lescure
“I hear Jordan Bardella who systematically goes to the factories to lie to the employees by telling them ‘we lied to you, we are abandoning you’“, denounces the Minister of Industry, repeating that the head of the list of the National Rally for Europeans has “a war of delay every day”. “He was against Europe, ultimately, he is for it. He was against the euro, ultimately, he is for it. He was against the energy market, ultimately, he is for it. and today he is against the electric car”castigates the delegate minister, re-elected deputy for the North America constituency in 2022. “Frankly, he has lost all the battles Jordan Bardella, he is going to lose another one by saying that the electric vehicle is a bad idea”he adds.
🔴European elections➡️” He has lost all the battles, Jordan Bardella. He is going to lose another one by saying the electric vehicle is a bad idea. [Il est] a fraud, Jordan Bardella is a serial liar,” says Roland Lescure.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) May 13, 2024
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