Chloé Trespeuch Olympic vice-champion of snowboard cross, Petra Vlhova queen of slalom … Follow Wednesday’s events

Fourteen French people are engaged on Wednesday in five different disciplines.

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After winning the French delegation’s first gold medal on Tuesday with Quentin Fillon Maillet, the Blues want to continue their harvest on Wednesday February 9.

Trespeuch in silver in snowboard cross. In bronze eight years ago in Sochi, 5th in Pyeongchang in 2018, Chloé Trespeuch is now Olympic vice-champion in snowboard cross! The Frenchwoman managed her race perfectly to clinch a new medal on her list. Second Habs on the track in the semi-final, Julia Pereira de Sousa fell while she was in the lead. The youngest French medalist in the history of the Winter Olympics finished 5th in the competition.

Vlhova Olympic champion in slalom, Shiffrin still trapped. It is a duel that we have been waiting for impatiently. Finally, it quickly came to an end after the American Mikaela Shiffrin made a mistake from the first stakes in the first set. Petra Vlhova, 8th and not at ease on Wednesday morning, caught up in the second run to seek Olympic gold.

• Four French lined up in short-track. After his eleventh place in the 1000m, Quentin Fercoq is back on the ice in Beijing. For his first Games, the Frenchman hopes to reach the final to dream of a medal. To get there, he will have to spend the quarters and halves from noon. Sébastien Lepape is also committed to this distance. On the women’s side, Gwendoline Daudet and Tifany Huot-Marchand will try to qualify for the quarter-finals of Friday’s 1000m.

• The other French engaged. In halfpipe snowboarding, Liam Tourki participated in his first Olympic Games. The 22-year-old Frenchman fell on his second run and will not be part of the top 12 qualified for the final, unlike American star Shaun White. In Nordic combined, Gael Blondeau, Mattéo Baud, Antoine Gérard and Laurent Muhlethaler will set off from the Zhangjiakou ski jump around 9 a.m. (French time).

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