Chinese rocket debris fell off the Philippines

Phew, they splashed. A week after the launch of a Chinese rocket, debris from the device fell back into the Indian Ocean, far from any habitation, on Saturday July 30, after an uncontrolled return to the atmosphere, confirmed the Chinese space agency. The impact took place in the Sulu Sea, about 57 kilometers off the island of Palawan, in the Philippines.

According to the agency, “most devices [de la fusée d’appoint] have been destroyed” during the descent of the craft, which was used on July 24 to launch a module of the new Tiangong space station, which should be fully operational by the end of the year.

Back in the atmosphere “over the Indian Ocean” of the Chinese rocket had been announced several hours earlier by the American army. The Malaysian space agency also said it detected debris from the rocket burning in its airspace before falling into the Sulu Sea.

The Chinese rocket had not been designed to control its descent from orbit, which, as with previous launches, has drawn criticism. “All nations conducting space activities should adhere to best practices”Nasa boss Bill Nelson pleaded on Saturday, stressing that the fall of objects of this size “presents significant risks of causing human or material loss”.

In 2020, debris from another Chinese rocket crashed into villages in Côte d’Ivoire, causing damage but no injuries. Entering the devices into the atmosphere gives off immense heat and friction, allowing segments to burn and disintegrate, but larger devices may not be entirely destroyed. Their debris can then land on the surface of the earth and cause damage and cause victims, even if this risk is low, the planet being covered with 70% of water.

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