Chinese missile test launches | Taiwan tightens surveillance

(Taipei, Taiwan) Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Saturday it is monitoring “waves of test-firing” by a Chinese missile unit in an area more than 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the self-ruled island and its air force has stepped up vigilance.

China regards the democratic island as a breakaway province that should be reunified with the mainland.

According to Taiwan’s military news agency, the ministry detected “several waves of test launches” by China’s Inner Mongolia Rocket Force on Saturday. It did not give details of the tests conducted by the force, which is responsible for China’s missile arsenal.

It is not immediately clear whether the tests are related to China’s harassment of Taiwan. In recent years, China has stepped up its military activities around the island, which is governed by the Democratic Progressive Party.

In May, newly elected Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te said in his inauguration speech that he wanted to make peace with China and urged it to stop its military threats and intimidation against the island.

China’s military has been flexing its muscles against Taiwan since Wednesday, when the new top U.S. envoy to Taipei pledged Washington would help the island defend itself.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Thursday it had detected 66 warplanes around the island and that dozens of them had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, the border between the two sides.

On Saturday, 30 warplanes were also detected around Taiwan over a 24-hour period, 20 of which crossed the median line.

The United States, like most countries, does not recognize Taiwan. But it is the island’s main partner and is required by U.S. law to provide it with the means to defend itself. Less than a month ago, the U.S. State Department approved the sale to Taiwan of missiles and drones worth an estimated $360 million.

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