Chinese interference allegations | Constituents of MK Han Dong have ‘mixed feelings’

(Toronto) In the Toronto riding of MP Han Dong on Friday, residents expressed hope that the full light would be shed on alleged Chinese interference in the Canadian election. But in the meantime, they were generally careful not to condemn their new independent deputy, who enjoys the presumption of innocence.

Mr. Dong resigned from the Liberal caucus on Wednesday evening, amid what he considers to be false allegations. According to a Global News report, he advised a Chinese diplomat on what the government considered a high-priority file: the arbitrary detention of two Canadians in China — “the two Michaels.”

Joanna Leung, 40, a mother of two, who lives in Mr. Dong’s riding in northeast Toronto, said Friday she had “mixed feelings” about the whole affair.

Mme Leung, who was born in China, said one of the reasons her family moved from Hong Kong to Ontario in the 1990s – before Beijing regained control of the British colony in 1997 – was the little of trust they had in the Chinese Communist Party.

“I have already witnessed how the Chinese government influences people, so if there is Chinese influence on Canadian politicians, it will be very concerning for my family,” she said. She also pointed out that it would be “alarming” for an MP to be disloyal to Canada.

But neither should all Chinese be tied to the government in Beijing, she adds. “I have negative feelings towards the communist government, not against the Chinese people. These are two very separate things and I hope we can sort this out, be very clear and not contribute to more prejudice against the Chinese people.

“What I don’t want to see is prejudice against certain communities simply because of their ethnicity. This goes against the values ​​we stand for in Canada,” said Leung, a project manager.

Global News cited unnamed security sources on Wednesday who claimed MP Dong spoke about Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig with a Chinese diplomat in Toronto in February 2021.

At the time, the two Canadians had been detained in China for just over two years, in apparent retaliation for the December 2018 arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver on a US extradition warrant. .

“Absolutely false statements”

Beijing, which has denied the allegations of interference, dismissed any link between the “two Michaels” and Mme Meng, despite a perfect alignment in the timeline of events — when each was detained, in December 2018, and then released, in September 2021.

According to Global News, Mr. Dong allegedly told the Chinese consul general in Toronto that releasing the “two Michaels” would benefit the Conservatives, but that showing some “progress” in the case would help the Liberals. The Canadian Press could not independently verify the claims of these unnamed sources.

MP Dong agreed that he met with the Chinese diplomat, but he rejects any suggestion that he urged Beijing to delay the release of the two Canadians. On the verge of tears, he declared in the House on Wednesday evening that he would defend himself “against these absolutely false assertions” and he assured that he had never done anything to cause harm to MM. Spavor and Kovrig.

The Chinese consulate in Toronto called the allegations “completely unfounded”. Without giving details of that meeting with Mr. Dong in February 2021, the consulate said its staff “never undertook” to breach diplomatic protocol.

Mr. Dong voted Thursday with opposition parties in favor of a motion that calls for a public inquiry into all allegations of foreign interference.

Anne Abeyesekera works opposite Mr. Dong’s constituency office in this Don Valley North constituency – where the doors were locked on Friday. She maintains that she takes this case seriously, but adds that the allegations “must be proven” before casting a stone. “Everyone has the right to be treated fairly and equitably. »

Rahim Khan, a mortgage broker in the area, also reserved judgment until he had more details, while agreeing that the allegations are very serious. “Putting the safety of an entire country and the two Michaels (in danger) is extremely serious. I was very surprised when I heard that, but I don’t want to rush into judging anyone. »

Mir Ali Asgary, another broker in the sector, puts these allegations against Mr. Dong with all his frustrations towards the Trudeau government in general.

“I am skeptical of the current leaders and I certainly have no confidence in them,” he said in an interview in his office.

Former Governor General David Johnston has been appointed by the Prime Minister as a “special rapporteur” to determine whether a public inquiry into foreign interference is needed. He has until May 23 to make his recommendations, although he was given a mandate until October to complete his broader investigation into foreign interference.

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