Chinese interference: a mole in the Commons

The revelations of Global News on the discussions that the Liberal member for Don Valley North would have had are explosive.

While two fellow citizens were imprisoned in a completely arbitrary manner by the Chinese regime, while their families were in distress here, while the government was calling for their release, a member of this same government would have advised the Chinese consul to delay their release.

The reasons? Political, of course, for some reason that still remains inexplicable, Mr. Dong believed, still according to the allegations, that the release of the two Michaels would give a boost to the conservatives and harm the liberals.

The member defended himself yesterday, saying that he had never made such comments. He admits having met the Chinese consul, but to reiterate, according to him, the request to release the two Canadians quickly. Was he mandated by the Trudeau government? No. Did he inform the Prime Minister’s Office of this meeting? Neither.

Quite particular as a defense, especially since there is no way to verify it. Or almost. If the Global News revelations are fueled by exasperated Canadian intelligence agents, that must be the tip of the iceberg.

Justin Trudeau must regret saying, barely a month ago, that his MP Dong, whom he allowed to run in 2021 despite the reservations expressed by CSIS, is an extraordinary lack of his team. He added that any questioning of his loyalty to Canada should be dismissed. A statement that ages badly.

This whole debate is taking place in a context where Joe Biden, the American president, will make an official visit to Canada. When he delivers a long-awaited speech in the House of Commons, he will do so in an assembly where one of the deputies is suspected of being under the influence of the Chinese adversary and who has been protected by the Prime Minister.

He will certainly have the impression of being in a banana republic, an unreliable ally country that does nothing in the face of the Chinese threat. And he will have been given solid reasons to have this impression.

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