China’s outbreak rebound poses new threat to global trade


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Covid-19 is hitting China hard again on Tuesday, March 15. The resurgence of the epidemic could have consequences for inflation. Lighting with Arnauld Miguet, France Télévisions correspondent in Beijing.

5,000 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in China on Tuesday March 15. “There has clearly been an outbreak since the beginning of the month, and in the country which practices a zero Covid policy, this means confinement, cities under bell jars, schools and factories closed”reports journalist Arnauld Miguet, correspondent for France Télévisions in China.

In Shenzhen (China), a city of advanced technology, which has 17 million inhabitants, the factories subcontracted by Apple are stopped. Elsewhere in the country, car factories are closed. “China was expecting 5.5% growth for this year, but according to some calculations by economists, a week of confinement in these industrial regions can cost between 0.5 and 1 point of growth”reports the journalist, who predicts “repercussions in Europe and around the world”.

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