China’s military exercises seen from South Korea and Japan

Every day, the correspondents’ club describes how the same current event is illustrated in two countries.

China’s military exercises in recent days around Taiwan have triggered reactions from many countries around the world. But how are Beijing’s maneuvers perceived by its closest neighbors? Answer in the correspondents club.

Japan does not want to inflame the situation

“We are following this situation with great attention. Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are important not only for the security of our country, but also for the stability of the whole world.”said Japanese government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno.

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At the same time, Hirokazu Matsuno insists on the alliance with Washington in order to send messages to China. Because Japan is home to many American military bases in Okinawa, a few hundred kilometers from Taiwan. Which means that Japan would necessarily be involved in the event of a conflict. In August 2022, during Chinese exercises around Taiwan, missiles ended their race in Japan’s exclusive economic maritime zone.

South Korea remains silent

Another ally of the United States, South Korea has not really had an official reaction to the latest Chinese military maneuvers in the southern sea. This silence highlights the precarious balance that South Korea seeks to preserve in the opposition between China, the main economic partner, and the United States, which has 30,000 military troops on South Korean territory.

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If the current conservative government has moved significantly closer to Tokyo and Washington, the Democratic opposition historically prefers to preserve its relations with Beijing. But regardless of the color of the ruling party, South Korea remains cautious about its commitment to Taiwan. In particular because it cherishes the hope that China can contain the warlike ambitions of North Korea.

South Korea’s great fear is to see the United States embark on the defense of Taiwan by using in particular the military present on South Korean soil, which would make Seoul more vulnerable to a possible North Korean attack. A scenario obviously very hypothetical but which is present in the minds of South Koreans. In September 2022, the President Yoon Seok-youl said that in the event of a war in the Taiwan Strait, his priority would not be to help the island, but to ensure the defense of his country against the North Korean threat.

source site-29