China warns against boycott of Hawaii

If Canada followed the recommendation of the United States not to allow the Chinese equipment manufacturer Hawaii, other companies, not only Chinese, would inherit, to come and invest, warned the Chinese ambassador in Ottawa.

“We hope that people will not pass judgment on the basis of other countries,” Cong Peiwu said in an interview with the “National Post” published on Tuesday.

“It would send a dangerous and alarming message,” warned the Chinese diplomat.

Canada is procrastinating in banning the Chinese giant from deploying 5G, while many Canadian allies have already settled the issue by excluding Hawaii from the outset for security reasons in particular.

“No one has presented concrete evidence of security problems with Huawei products,” he argued.

Sino-Canadian relations escalated with the arrest of Hawaii’s leader Meng Wanzhou and the conviction of two Canadian diplomats by Chinese authorities.

But despite the extradition of the chief financial officer of Hawaii and the release of the two Michael, relations between the two countries are far from being in good shape.

The Chinese diplomat also deplored the attitude of certain countries which plan to boycott the Winter Olympics in Beijing, believing that the threats of boycotting the Olympics are contrary to the values ​​of Olympism.

“It is against the spirit of the Olympics to politicize these issues,” he said.

Cong Peiwu argued that there is no understanding of Taiwan’s sovereignty.

“People need to understand the real status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The status quo in real terms is that there is only one China in the world, of which Taiwan is an inalienable part, ”added the Chinese ambassador.

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