China refuses to be “affected” by sanctions against Russia

These comments come as the United States worries about possible support from China to Moscow.

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“China is not on board and even less wants to be affected by the sanctions.” This was said by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a telephone conversation with his Spanish counterpart José Manuel Albares, according to comments reported on Tuesday March 15 by the China News Agency. According to him, the Asian giant “always opposes the use of sanctions to solve problems, especially unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law”. “China has the right to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests”he estimated.

These comments come as the United States worries about Chinese support for Moscow. Beijing has not condemned the invasion of Ukraine and accuses Westerners of being responsible for the fact of “expanding” of NATO. The United States judges “deeply concerning” the position “China’s alignment with Russia”a senior White House official said Monday.

This senior White House official did not wish to react to the information of the New York Times that Russia has asked China to provide aid, economic and military, to face international sanctions and continue the invasion of Ukraine. When questioned, Beijing on Monday rejected “fake news”.

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