China claims to have conducted new military exercises around the island

This statement comes as five US parliamentarians are visiting Taiwan.

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Beijing launches new maneuvers. China announced on Monday August 15 that it had organized new military exercises around Taiwan. This statement comes as five US parliamentarians are visiting the island. “On August 15, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater held a multi-service joint combat readiness patrol and combat drills in the sea and airspace around Taiwan”said the command of the Eastern Theater of the Chinese army.

>> Taiwan: we explain why Nancy Pelosi’s visit is straining relations between China and the United States.

The US delegation, whose visit had not been announced, arrived in Taipei on Sunday evening and was due to meet the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, on Monday, before a reception organized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two-day trip focuses on trade, regional security and climate change, according to the American Institute in Taiwan, the de facto US embassy on the island.

It comes less than two weeks after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island claimed by Chinese authorities. China then reacted angrily and launched the largest military maneuvers in its history around Taiwan. For five days, the army had deployed warships, missiles and fighter planes, simulating a blockade of the island.

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